June 21, 2021

9am PT/12pm ET/5pm BST

Though every law firm is unique, many have the same struggles: how can their lawyers reduce inbox congestion, keep lines of communication open and active, streamline workflows, and keep teams as productive as possible?

Through the PLAN solution at NetDocuments, we make it easy for law firms of any size to coordinate teams and tasks, provide real-time team communication, facilitate task management, and deliver collaborative document annotation and overlays to simplify findings and other tasks.

Join this webinar to learn how PLAN is ready to reduce your inbox congestion, keep lines of communication open and active, and streamline workflows to make your teams more efficient and productive.

You’ll get an in-depth demonstration on how the technologies included with PLAN work, a live Q&A, and hear a customer use case on how this cutting-edge technology has shaped their business for the better.


  mike sanders.png
Fred Levesque
Product Manager

Michael Sanders
Sr. Manager, Solutions Expert Team

Gene D'Aversa
Senior Director, Knowledge Management and Technology Innovation
Husch Blackwell

Ready to get started? Sign up now!

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Fred Levesque

Product Manager

Michael Sanders

Sr. Manager, Solutions Expert Team