September 23, 2020

12pm ET

71% of legal teams have identified the automation of legal processes as a “high priority” according to CLOC’s 2020 state of the industry. And, investments in document management systems (DMS) among legal operations professionals have increased 12% (yes, really!) in 2020 alone.1

So why all the fuss? What is a DMS, and why is it so critical to driving process automation among corporate legal teams?

Join Matt Hobbs and Mike Ferrara from Duff & Phelps, and Elizabeth Benegas from NetDocuments, to learn how collaboration and process automation drive efficiencies for attorneys and legal staff – both while working at home or at the office.

In this 30-minute webinar on September 23, 2020, 12pm ET, we’ll discuss the following topics:

  • Automate legal service requests (LSRs) to improve responsiveness of the legal department
  • Improve the management of electronic content seamlessly while working in Microsoft Teams
  • Implement best practices when using Office365/OneDrive/Microsoft Teams along with your DMS to ensure proper governance of the electronic matter file

Save your spot and register today! Even if you cannot attend, register to receive a link to the recording after the event. See you there!

Source 1: CLOC 2020 State of the Industry Survey

Ready to get started? Sign up now!

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Elizabeth Benegas


Matt Hobbs

Duff & Phelps

Mike Ferrara

Duff & Phelps